Christmas Salmon

A salmon dish for the Christmas buffet found on
Christmas Salmon

Salmon has a natural place at Christmas for many Norwegians. Either served traditionally with cucumber salad, sliced carrots, sour cream and boiled potatoes on Christmas Eve, or as an appetizer or part of the Christmas buffet like here.

4 servings

800 g [1,75 lb] salmon in serving pieces
1 egg yolk
1 dl [0,2 pt] bread crumbs
1 dl [0,2 pt] mustard
2 tablespoons of honey
0.5 teaspoon ginger, ground
1 small red chili
2 garlic cloves
0.5 teaspoon allspice, ground

This is what you do

Finely chopped chili and garlic. Mix spices, mustard, honey, eggs and btread crumbs together in a bowl. Add chili and garlic. Stir well, spread the mixture on the fish and bake it all in the oven for at 150 C / 300 F about 15 – 20 min. (The time will vary according to the thickness of the fish pieces.)