Breaded Plaice with Tartar Sauce / Sprøstekt Rødspette med Tartarsaus

A classic Danish lunch recipe found in “Mat til Hverdag og Fest” (Food for Everydays and Parties) utgitt av
Hjemmets Kokebokklubb i 1984
Breaded Plaice with Tartar Sauce / Sprøstekt Rødspette med Tartarsaus

Breaded plaice with juicy, delicious fish meat under a delicate crust and served with tartar sauce and a little crispy salad and a lemon slice. This is party food at everyday prices. Fresh or frozen everyone likes plaice.

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Broiled Scallops with Tartare Sauce / Stekte Kamskjell med Tartarsaus

A starter recipe found in “Recipes from Famous Places”
published by Better Homes and Gardens in 1975

Old Original Bookbinder's_broiled Scallops_post

This appetizer was served at the Old Original Bookbinder’s
in Philidelphia back in the mid seventies.
