April Birthday Cake / Bursdagskake for April

A recipe for a birthday cake for April found in
“Cake Baking Made Easy with Airy Fairy”
published by Airy Fairy Cake Flour in 1927

April Birthday Cake / Bursdagskake for April

Every little child should have the joy of a real birthday cake of his or her own, and every grown-up child should have the opportunity to renew his youth at least once a year with a special celebration on his own personal anniversary. These cakes will delight any child-big or little-and can be varied indefinitely to suit the occasion. They are as wholesome and nourishing as food, even for children, as they are effective from a decorative standpoint.

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Daffodil Cake / Påskeliljekake

A fancy cake recipe just right for the upcoming Easter
found in “Igleheart Cake Secrets” published in 1928
Daffodil Cake / Påskeliljekake

This is the second of these old Igleheart’s cookbooks from the 1920s I’m posting from and again I’m struck by how little baking recipes and traditions have changed over the years in comparison with other food. We seem to like cakes and cookies to be as they always have been and I find that rather pleasant in our modern world of constant change – Ted


Plain Chocolate Caramels / Vanlige Sjokoladekarameller

A caramel recipe found in “Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
by Miss Parloa” published by Baker’s Chocolate in 1909

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