Golden Treasure Tarts / Golden Treasure Terter

A recipe from an ad for Golden Medal Flour & Fluffo Shortning
published in LIFE magazine in 1955

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Beef Tongue Financière – Oksetunge Financière

A recipe from “Det Nye Kjøkkenbiblioteket” (The New Kitchen Library) published by Gyldendal in 1971

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Text at the top of the recipe: Quite rightly, the French adjective has got something to do with money and finances. And who would have a better sense of food and economy than just the house wife? She will with her sure sense of economy  be able to get the money to suffice to adapt this outstanding course in her repertoire of dishes.

A nice patronising start on this recipe – Ted 🙂



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Complete Recipe For Parker House Rolls

A recipe from “The Art Of Baking Bread” published by The Northwestern Yeast Co in the 1920s

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Golden Fluffo Shortening Commercial from 1955

And here is a little reminder about how marvellous Fluffo really is Winking smile