Large Swedish Prawn Sandwich with Asparagus / Stor Räksmörgås med Sparris

A tempting sandwich recipe found in “Stora Boken om
Smörgåsar og Smörgåstårtor” (The Big Book on Sandwiches
and Sandwich Cakes) published in 1985Large Swedish Prawn Sandwich with Asparagus / Stor Räksmörgås med Sparris

Shrimp sandwiches are popular throughout Scandinavia.
Most restaurants and cafes have at least one variation
on the menu. This one is Swedish.

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Danish Crayfish Cocktail / Dansk Krebsecocktail

A shellfish cocktail recipe found in “Småretter og salater”
(Starters and Salads) published by Lademann in 1975Danish Crayfish Cocktail / Dansk Krebsecocktail

This crayfish cocktail filled in pretty glasses will look great on any table.

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Danish Chicken Tartlets / Kyllingetarteletter

A Danish starter/lunch recipe found on soendag.dkDanish Chicken Tartlets / Kyllingetarteletter

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Stuffed Crabs / Fylt Krabbe

A classic Norwegian shellfish recipe found in “Festmat”
(Partyfood) published by Hjemmets Kokebokklubb in 1982

Stuffed Crabs / Fylt Krabbe

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Puff Pastry Shells with Seafood Stew / Butterdeigskjell med Fiskestuing

A personal favourite from “Varme Småretter”
(Hot Snacks) published by Gyldendal in 1991

Puff Pastry Shells with Seafood Stew / Butterdeigskjell med Fiskestuing

This was often part of the Saturday evening family gathering at our cabin outside Oslo when I was a child. This recipe is exactly the same as my mother used and I still use, though I’m a bit heavier on the curry  than she was. I am so fond of this that I know the recipe by heart- Ted

This is a very popular starter for big parties. The safest is to order the shells in good time in a bakery or in the grocery store. Filled shells can be served as hot dishes on a smörgåsbord or as a separate dish with friend gatherings. Calculate two shells for each serving. The fish puddings can be exchanged with tiny fish balls and the prawns with crayfish tails.

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Ham & Asparagus Subs / Skinke og Asparges Fylte Rundstykker

A recipe for some delicious picnic subs found on BBC good food
Ham & Asparagus Subs / Skinke og Asparges Fylte Rundstykker

I know autumn officially starts in a few days, but you can squeeze in a picknic or two still on sunny days. Cram individual bread rolls with quality ham, asparagus tips and lemon dressing and add to the picnic spread.


Oriental Turkey Soup / Orientalsk Kalkunsuppe

An Asian inspired soup recipe found on
“The Quick & Eary  Armour Cookbook” published by 
the Benjamin Company in 1980

Oriental Turkey Soup / Orientalsk Kalkunsuppe

I can’t help spotting gherkins on the picture even though it is not mentioned in the recipe so the choice is yours, trust the picture or the recipe. In my opinion you can never go wrong with gherkins, I simply love the stuff

Winking smile

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Asparagus and Mushroom Omelette / Asparges- og Soppomelett

A vegetable omelette recipe found in “Sundt og Godt”
(Wholesome and Nice) published by Det Beste in 1988

Asparagus and Mushroom Omelette / Asparges- og Soppomelett

Omelettes are among the the most versatile dishes there is. You can make one for breakfast, for lunch, as an appetizer, a dessert and even enjoy one as an evening meal. You can fill them with just about anything and use whatever kind of spice or herbs you prefere to suit your taste and eating practices. For instance vegetables and chives like in the one in this post.

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Party Dressed Fish / Selskapsfin Fisk

A classic fish dinner recipe found in “Fisk og Skalldyr” (Fish and Shellfish) published by Hjemmets Kokebokklubb in 1980Party Dressed Fish / Selskapsfin Fisk

White fish, rice, asparagus and shrimps is a classic Scandinavian dinner dish combination and can be found in a multitude of recipes from our little part of the world. It is as the title of the post suggests classic party food. It was when this book was published in 1980 and it so absolutely still is – Ted

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Matelote Alsacienne – Fish Casserole from Alsace / Fiskegryte fra Alsace

A delicious fish recipe found in “Fransk Bondekost”
(French Farmhouse Cooking) published by
Hjemmets Kokebokklubb in in 1980

Matelote Alsacienne – Fish Casserole from Alsace / Fiskegryte fra Alsace

It is not correct to use the term “cousine” of French farmhouse cooking. It is more a natural part of life. There is no Machiavellian refinements or superfluous embellishments. Wholesome, tasty, simple ingredients in dishes to suit season, climate and workload.


Cabaret / Kabaret

A classic Scandinavian recipe found at Jacobs.noCabaret_post

A traditional dish from Scandinavian smorgasbords. usually served with fresh white bread and remulade sauce. Cabaret was frequently on the coffee table on the weekends in my childhood home. Usually we ate it while we watching the weekend entertainment on television.

I must confess that I’ve never made it myself or even eaten it since, although I enjoyed it a lot back then – Ted 🙂


Chicken Salad Queen Victoria / Hønsesalat Queen Victoria

 A classic salad recipe found on the Snack & Salads section
on the Danish “International Food Encyclopaedia MENU”
published by Lademann

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I don’t know if old Victoria liked this salad particularly, but the Danish Lademann’s “International Food Encyclopaedia MENU” has chosen to call it that anyway. I have my doubts really, as I’ve read on several occasions that she preferred her dishes a lot more filling than this – Ted  😉


Stuffed Crabs / Fylte Krabber

A recipe from “Festmat” (Party Food) published by
Hjemmets Kokebokklubb in 1992

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I love shellfish, but how come the most expensive of them is, at least served au naturel, the most tasteless and boring of them all. Lobster may be regarded as the finest, but hey, give me crabs any day. Here’s a very nice way to serve crabs as a filling starter or lunch – Ted


The King’s Salad / Kongens Salat

A delicious salad recipe found in “Cattelins Kokebook”
published in 1978

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Cattelin writes: We often had the pleasure of serving the old Swedish king, Gustav VI. On many different occasions we made lunches and dinners for him, both for private occations as for more official. The king was very much aware what he liked and disliked and he really disliked garlic. Therefore, this salad is composed without this ingredient


Traditional Prince Fish / Tradisjonell Prinsefisk

A traditional Norwegian Fish Dish found on

This is a very special dish from Bergen that was created when a Swedish prince visited the city at one time. The Swedish prince wanted cod for dinner, and the dish was  made seeking to avoid serving boiled cod for so many guests.


See this book and lots of delicious recipes on:
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