Madeline’s Lemon Butter Sauce / Madelines Sitronsmørsaus

A vegetable sauce recipe from a slightly cheesy ad for
Sunkist Lemons  published in 1972
Madeline’s Lemon Butter Sauce / Madelines Sitronsmørsaus
Was it the candle lights, the soft music, or the little lemon trick on the vegetables that got to Arnold the night he proposed? Madeline  Nagel doesn’t care. It worked.

In 1972 Sunkist Lemons ran a whole series of ads build over the same slightly cheesy mould like this one. all based on women succeeding at cooking with lemon zest and lemon juice or both impressing boyfriends, in-laws or husband’s bosses. Al with a same rather mortifyingly bad text. The recipes that followed weren’t all that shabby though.
