Norwegian Pork Rib “Sylte”

Pork Rib “Sylte”
2,2 pound / 1 kg pork ribs with rind
1 1/4 tablespoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1 teaspoon ground ginger
5 teaspoons gelatine powder
1/2 onion, finely chopped



Remove the bones with a sharp knife. Cut along both sides of the bone. Then cut beneath them and tilt them out.

141_ribbesylte_03_thumb[3][2] Boil water and put the ribs in and let it simmer at the boiling point for about 2 1/2 hours.

[3] Mix spices, gelatine powder and onion. Dress a loaf mould (about 2,5 pint / 1,5 litres) with plastic wrap.

141_ribbesylte_05_thumb[3][4] Take up the rib and let it drain off. Remove rind and cut the rib in slices lengthwise.

141_ribbesylte_06_thumb[3][5] Put the rind into the mould first, add some spice mixture and add the next layer of meat and continue adding meat and spices layered. Finally wrap the plastic sheeting over and add 2-3 kg pressure and place cool until the next day.

141_ribbesylte_07_thumb[3][6] The “sylte” is ready to be cut into thin slices. It tastes excellent on wholemeal bread or wrapped in lefse with mustard or pickled beetroots.

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