Tomato Herring

6 pickled herring fillet
3,5 oz. / 100 g tomato puree
0,5 pint / 2,5 dl sugar
0,15 pint / 3/4 dl water
0,6 pint / 3 dl ketchup
0,25 pint / 1 1/4 dl vinegar, 7%
0,1 pint / 0,5 dl soy oil
1 tablespoon whole black pepper
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground

4 servings

[1] Sample the herrings. If they are very salty or strong in taste they should be rinsed in cold water before use. Wipe fillets with kitchen paper and cut into bite pieces.

[2] Heat the water, sugar and tomato puree in a pot until the sugar melts. Stir in the remaining ingredients.

[3] Let the sauce cool before pouring over the herring. Then put it in the fridge.

Note: The tomato herring should be chilled at least for one day before serving.

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