Shrewsbury Cakes / Shrewsburykaker

A classic English cake recipe from the Plomer Family’s around
300 year old handwritten cook book found on
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The girl who runs PictureBritain writes: According to The Taste of Britain the earliest written recipe for the cakes is in Eliza Smith’s “The Compleat Housewife” in 1728. Ms. Smith’s recipe is for a sweet biscuit with nutmeg and cinnamon. However, my internet rummaging came up with an earlier recipe, and Florence White’s “Good Things in England” (1932) has a recipe that may also predate Eliza Smith’s book.

The recipe in “Good Things in England” come from a Colonel Plomer of Shrewsbury, and he supplied it from a family recipe book kept from 1630 to 1750. The Plomer family recipe flavours the biscuits with caraway seeds, nutmeg, sack (or sherry) and rosewater. Below is the Colonel Plomer recipe.

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