Frankfurters in Lager with Two Nice Accessories / Pølser i Pilsner med To Gode Tilbehør

A few nice recipes from a folder published by Gilde697_pølser i pilsner med to gode tilbehør_intro

Norwegians eat frankfurteres and weiners like there is no tomorrow. Usually we just slap them in a bun and put some ketchup and mustard on them. Here’s a recipe with a bit more panache – Ted


2 thoughts on “Frankfurters in Lager with Two Nice Accessories / Pølser i Pilsner med To Gode Tilbehør

  1. I love a good frankfurter, and this recipe is definitely a great way to fix them.


    • TidiousTed says:

      When I was a kid the only choice you had for condiments was ketchup and mustard and most people stick to that still. but now a days you got quite a menu to choose from here; gurkin salad, potato salad, shrimp salad, raw onion, fried onion, sweet chili sauce, french hot dog dressing and several different mustards and ketchups. And as you said a good frankfurter is great 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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