Koussa Mehché – Stuffed Courgettes / Fylte Courgetter

A recipe from the Middle East found in “Kulinarisk Pass”
(Culinary Passport) published by Tupperware in 1970.

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In context

The courgette is a variety of cucurtbit, which means it’s from the same family as cucumber, squash and melon. It is the most popular Courgettes-2_crvegetable of the squash family, being extremely versatile, tender and easy to cook. Just don’t boil them! They have a deep green skin with firm pale flesh and are also known as zucchini.

Availability Courgettes are at their best from June until September. Choose the best Choose small courgettes that are firm to touch with a glossy, unblemished skin. Avoid soft, squishy courgettes.

Prepare it Courgettes do not need peeling. Slice off each end and prepare as recipe directs. It’s best not to boil, as they will become mushy and lose their flavour. Instead lightly sauté in butter or oil and a small amount of water.

Store it Refrigerate in a vegetable storage bag in the crisper compartment and eat within 2-3 days.

Cook it Try courgettes sliced thinly and eaten raw, cooked on a griddle, in a stir fry, or fried in a light batter as chips.

Alternatives Try squash or marrow.

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