Delicious Canapés Fifties Scandinavian Style

Canapé recipes from “Varme Smørbrød” (Hot sandwiches) published by J W Cappelen in 1958


I’ve noticed that in this book the map does not always correspond with the terrain. What I mean is that the recipes and descriptions doesn’t always seam to correspond with the picture of the sandwich. But I guess you get the idea anyway – Ted


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Hot Sandwiches Scandinavian Style – Part 2

Recipes from a small book called simply “Varme smørbrød” (Hot sandwiches) published by J W Cappelen in 1958

Here’s the second post from “Varme smørbrød” and this time  it’s all about sandwiches made from minced beef. You don’t see them that often any more, but back in my childhood this kind of sandwiches were close to staple food when the evening came. At least in the home I grew up in -Ted


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Hot Sandwiches Scandinavian Style

Recipes from “Varme Smørbrød” (Hot Sandwiches) published by J W Cappelen in 1958


From the book’s intro:
The sumptuous evening buffets is a thing of the past. We’ve moving towards easier, simplified and more sensible eating habits. The finer meal to day begins with a small cold or hot pate, a single serving of sandwiches, salad or an appetizer.

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