Maakouda – Traditional Moroccan Potato Patties / Tradisjonelle Marokkanske Potetkaker

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Maakouda – Traditional Moroccan Potato Patties / Tradisjonelle Marokkanske Potetkaker

Pan-fried potato cakes (maakouda batata) are a much-loved street food in Morocco, but you’ll also find them prepared at home. This is a traditional version of the patties, made from a mixture of mashed potatoes, garlic, spices and herbs. Zesty seasoning makes all the difference, so don’t be afraid to taste as you go and add some cayenne pepper or notch up the garlic a bit.

Once the patties are shaped, they’re given a dip in egg and flour before heading for the oil. Some Moroccans will dip them in a fritter batter instead.

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